Amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, we are working together to maintain the health and safety of our clients and staff. Our hours remain the same - please refer to the bottom of this page - and we are accepting walk-ins. We limit the number of clients to 9 so each of our stations can adhere to social distancing rules. We require all visitors who enter our office to sanitize your hands and to wear your face covering at all times. We have installed Plexiglas dividers as well for extra security. However, if you are experiencing any symptoms of: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose etc., please stay home and we can provide service remotely. If you are not comfortable to come renew or purchase your insurance in our office, we are more than happy to help you contactless to do this via phone & email. Please reach out to us and leave your name and contact information so we can get back to you. Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this time and please stay safe!